Among the publicly reported judicial disciplinary cases handled by Richard E. Grayson are the following. Note that cases that result solely in public discipline and that are not appealed to the Court of Appeals are found on the website for the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Letters of dismissal and caution or letters of caution issued by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct are not publicly reported and are confidential under Judiciary Law Section 45.
Matter of Voetsch, (August 17, 2005): judge censured for creating appearance of impropriety.
Matter of Cerbone, 3 NY3d 479 (2005): judge removed from the bench for mishandling escrow funds in his private law practice and for making inappropriate expressions of displeasure against the Westchester County District Attorney.
Matter of Roepe, (June 27, 2001): judge censured for domestic dispute with spouse.
Law Offices of Richard E. Grayson
New York Ethics & Professional Responsibility Litigation Attorney
15 Fisher Lane
Second Floor
White Plains, NY 10603
Phone: 914.682.0037
Fax: 914.684.0646
The Law Offices of Richard E. Grayson represents lawyers and judges against charges of professional misconduct or ethics violations, and counsels bar applicants and attorneys about ethical issues. The firm serves attorneys and judges in the First and Second Departments and throughout New York State.